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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 3

Naslov:The Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1500-1600 / edited by Arthur F. Kinney
Impresum:Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press , 2000 (c); 2003
Materijalni opis:xxiv, 339 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Cambridge Companions to Literature
Napomena:Str.330-339: Kazalo pojmova i imena
Ključne riječi:povijest engleske književnosti * 16. st.
Signatura:AN 820(091)"1500" CAM
Inventarni broj:28448
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor:Kinney, Arthur F.
Naslov:The position of poetry : making and defending renaissance poetics
Matična publikacija:A companion to English Renaissance literature and culture / edited by Michael Hattaway
Impresum:Malden, Ma. [etc.] : Blackwell Publishers, cop. 2003
Ključne riječi:renesansna poetika * poetika renesanse * Velika Britanija * renesansa * književnost * engleska književnost * kultura
Signatura821.111.02 COM
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Kinney, Arthur F.
Naslov:Renaissance drama : an anthology of plays and entertainments / edited by Arthur F. Kinney
Impresum:Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , cop. 1999
Materijalni opis:VIII, 744 str. ; 24,5 cm + note iz Drama
Nakladnička cjelina:Blackwell Anthologies
Ključne riječi:drama * renesansa * renesansna drama * engleska renesansna književnost * Mulcaster, Richard * Sidney, Sir Philip * Kyd, Thomas * Marlowe, Christopher * Dekker, Thomas * Jonson, Ben * Munday, Anthony * Beaumont, Francis * Webster, John * Middleton, Thomas * Rowley, William * Ford, John
Sažetak:Richard Mulcaster, The Queen's Majesty's Passage. -Sir Philip Sidney, The Lady of May. -Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy. -Anonymous, Arden of Faversham. -Anonymous, The Honorable Entertainment Given to the Queen's Majesty in Progress, at Elvetham in Hampshire. -Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of D. Faustus. -Christopher Marlowe, The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second. -Thomas Dekker, The Shoemaker's Holiday. -Thomas Heywood, A Woman Killed with Kidness. -Thimas Dekker, The Magnificent Entertainment. -Ben Jonson, The Masque of Blackness. -Anthony Munday, The Triumphs of Re-United Britannia. -Francis Beaumont, The Knight of the Burning Pestle. -Thoms Middleton, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. -Ben Jonson, Bartholomew Fair. -John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi. -Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, The Changeling. -John Ford, 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. -Further Background Readings. -Appendix: Cultural Documents. -I: The History of a Most Horrible Murder Commited at Faversham in kent. -II: The Life and Raigne of King Edward of Carnavan. -III: The infortunate mariage of a Gentleman, called Antonio Bologna, wyth the Duchesse of Malfi, and the pitifull death of them both. -IV: Music from the Plays
Signatura:821.111(08) REN
Inventarni broj:99/197, 02/36
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Kinney Arthur F. )
